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About Us

With over 20 years in the industry, Xtreme Energy is dedicated to facilitating growth in the oil and gas industry and enriching the lives of our employees and communities we operate in with continuous growth in both size and experience. Comittment to outperforming our peers, by being results oriented and dedicated to building value in the growth of our employees, is how we intend to transform the oil and gas industry in an Xtreme way while operating over 300 wells located across 9 states. Operating ethically in an atmosphere that promotes optimism, teamwork, creativity, and resourcefulness is a major pursuit for our company.
Texas Office
P.O. Box 691168
Houston, TX 77269
361-570-1600 : Office
361-570-6097 : Fax
Oklahoma Office
624 W. Independence St.,
Suite #102
Shawnee, OK 74804
405-273-1185 : Office
405-273-0023 : Fax
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